LightOne™ Pipetting Trackers
Pipette the right one with the LightOne.
LightOne illuminators are the perfect pipetting aid. LEDs illuminate your samples by well, by row, or the entire plate. Keep track of pipetting, mark and pick your samples, and load your plate with accuracy.

Minimize mistakes.
Maximize your pipetting efficiency and reduce costly errors. By illuminating specific wells, operator error is reduced, increasing confidence in assay preparation and results.
See your samples in a new light.
The water-resistant, ultra-compact, the ViewOne™ LabLite brilliantly illuminates your samples and provides an additional backlight to your imaging system or microscope. The built-in retainer for Petri dishes, agar plates, and 96-well plates holds your samples in place.
Get better visualization of:
96-well ELISA, 384-well plates, gel-based PCR, lymph node dissection, colony picking and bacterial plates, Hemagglutination assays, Coomassie Blue Stained gels, Zymogram gels, cell colonies, and cell culture plates.
Compact, lightweight and portable.
Only slightly larger than a smartphone – bring it to your next conference or field trip!
A LightOne™ for every application:
LightOne™ qRed:
- Red LEDs for fluorescent assays that are light sensitive. The plate adapter is designed to accommodate half-skirted or non-skirted 96-well PCR plates.
- Tilt stand offers relief from loading over a plate, and adjusts to 10º, 30º, 45º, making it a practical unit that can also be used in a biosafety cabinet.
LightOne™ FS:
- Designed for colorimetric assays and non-fluorescence-based assays, such as ELISA.
- Tilt stand included for comfortable viewing and is easily lowered flat for plate loading.
- Viewing frame included for viewing semi-skirted and non-skirted 96-well plates.
LightOne™ Pro:
- Enhanced visualization of 96 or 384-well plate
- Can be used with qPCR samples without bleaching dyes
- Design your plate on the device or use the file converter
- Foot switch for hands-free control.
ViewOne™ LabLite:
Water resistant, ultra-compact light box for better visualization of:
- 96-well ELISA plates & 384-well plates, bacterial plates (see more as you pick your colonies), Coomassie Blue stained gels, micro-dissection, hemagglutination assays (HA or HI), zyogram gels, cell culture